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In the world of finance and business, there are a few people who stand out for their incredible wealth and success. These individuals have built multi-billion dollar companies, made smart investments, and have mastered the art of accumulating wealth.

Posted April 4, 2023

Whether or not we’re in a recession or a recession is on the horizon is a debate for pundits and economists. But you don’t have to be a fortune teller to know that a future recession will eventually come. The economy undulates like waves in the sea; sometimes it’s up and sometimes it’s down.

Posted March 30, 2023

When the nation's economy starts to slow down, you as a small business owner cannot help but worry about what lies ahead. As the COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated, uncertain economic times can emerge from nowhere in a hurry.

Posted February 1, 2023

Regardless of whether you’re traveling on business or to a vacation spot, there are some smart money moves you can make while on the go. Those moves include pre-authorized transactions, automating payments, and exchanging U.S. dollars for foreign currency. In addition, you can also avoid overdraft charges and hire an accountant.

Posted January 24, 2023

When it comes to your parents, you’ve probably always been able to talk to them about anything. Yet, as you find yourself wanting to have a conversation about estate planning, you may be finding it to be harder than you anticipated. A topic often put off far too long, estate planning is a critical component of any family's financial strategy.

Posted January 17, 2023

As you say goodbye to December and hello to January, one thing you can take advantage of is seasonal discounts. Each and every new year, retailers put various things on sale in January that you can get for very low prices.

Posted January 10, 2023

Most people make New Year's resolutions centered around self-improvement. While you may decide you want to lose a few pounds or perhaps take up a new hobby, you might want to also make some resolutions regarding your finances.

Posted January 3, 2023

Negative items on your credit report can stay there up to seven years. That’s a long time to pay for a financial mistake, especially if you’ve since improved your financial habits. Your credit report directly impacts your credit score. This helps creditors to determine if you are a good risk.

Posted September 29, 2022

In the wake of the pandemic, more employees are returning to the workplace. Although we may be in for more as far as new virus variants, it’s looking like the swell of returning to the office environment isn’t going to withdraw any time soon.

Posted August 18, 2022

Firing an employee is never a pleasant task. No matter what the history is, it’s challenging to make sure you’re firing the employee the right way. Doing so will help to ensure that there is no aftermath to the firing beyond the need to replace that employee. The U.S.

Posted August 11, 2022